Jun 22, 2011

I received CPR training

A very good morning for Hajime.
In the afternoon, he said he was cold and slept with a blanket.
Actually this morning, Hajime’s breathing choked again.  In conclusion, the position of the tracheal tube was bad, and he couldn’t breathe.   We were told that if his chin area is not kept clear, the breathing problems will recur.
He settled down when we put the pillow under his shoulder’s but then the nurse and the respiratory therapist (RT) began arguing.
Since Hajime’s neck muscles are weak, he needs to have it supported.  So the nurse was supporting his neck and the RT was about to put the pillow under his shoulders.
But the RT was a little slow.  The nurse angrily said, “What are you doing!”  The nurse said more things to the RT, who seemed to get fed up and retaliated by standing back without suctioning for the tracheal tube, the reason for this being because the nurse is in the way.  The nurse said, “Hurry up and suction!” to the RT but the RT complained that, “I can’t do it because you are here.”
I didn’t think this was appropriate for a nurse to be arguing while Hajime’s was choking (this is a very dangerous situation).  I got the chills thinking what would have happened if something happened to Hajime. At one point, Hajime’s oxygen level was down by half and he was kicking his feet as he struggled for oxygen.
I spoke to the Charge-Nurse (the nurse responsible for resolving the situation when there is a problem).  I asked them to change the night shift nurse as well.  I couldn’t believe such behavior from a nurse who is responsible for the lives of people in the ICU.  I really felt the extent of the nurse’s low level.
Because this happened in the morning, Hajime’s fear increased and he kept saying, “I’m scared.”
Also, the matter regarding his surgery came up and the doctor informed us that his lung surgery may be as soon as tomorrow.  Hajime’s pain had just started to subside and I just felt so bad that he would have to undergo another big surgery.
With all this going on, Hajime lacked some energy and spent the day under the sheets, and also due to tiredness Hajime was sleeping all day.
While Hajime was asleep, we received CPR training. If Hajime’s breathing chokes and his condition worsens, we would need to massage his heart, so we received training for it.  My impression was that this would be pretty difficult to do.
The heart lies between bones so in order to massage the heart from the outside of the body, you have to press 2 inches into the body or blood will not circulate throughout the body. And you have to massage the heart 30 times and breathe for them twice. This has to be done approximately 5 times while you wait for the paramedics to arrive (if after 5 times the paramedics have not arrived, you just have to continue doing it).
Tomorrow will be a review of today. I will go again to see if I remember the training.
For Hajime, since he has the tracheal tube, the emergency response is different from the usual, so we are scheduled to receive training for this on a different day.
I get nervous when I think, in an emergency situation will I be able to remain calm and save his life?
…such was my long day and I was pretty tired after staying in the hospital room from early morning to night with no break. I didn’t even have time to drink water…
It’s all for Hajime!  I have to stay strong.
Translated by Ethel Hoshi

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