Mar 8, 2012

Police officers visit

Yesterday, Hajime had visitors from his very special and encouraging friends, Lauren and South Pasadena Police officers! Four police offices also with K9 dog came this time. Thank you so much everyone!

Hajime did not know about this visit so he was very surprised and of course he was very happy to have them.
Monday’s visitors and yesterday’s visitors made a very happy surprise to him. Lauren even helped watering our garden this time. People help us on so many things and so many ways and we just don’t know how to thanks them all.

Hajime breathing volume decreased and got an alert this morning. Last time when we used a course of breathing medication/Tobii Neb worked very well but this time it did not worked as good as last time.
Secretion’s color and odor is not so good, which worries me. We need to take a sputum sample for the lab.

Today, I was very surprised that he was using speaking device, Tobii with Xbox controller and trying to type some sentence.
It is such a wonderful thing to try something. I was very proud of him as a mom.

(Translated by HM)


  1. Praying for you and Hajime. Diagnosed last november with ALS myself, the love and support you have inspires me to keep a positive attitude at all times. Thank you and God's blessing.

  2. Thank you for comment. I'm so sorry you had a diagnosed with ALS. I'm praying too.
