Sep 7, 2013

Difficult Condition

By Hajime’s condition, it would take a while for him to be discharged from the hospital.

Today, his heart rate rose again to 150. Also, his blood pressure was high. His Oxygen saturation level and volume were low. In the end, he had a fever and he was going through a lot. His heart rate was 145 by the time when we had to leave.

In the afternoon, different doctors came to take EMG, X-ray, and CT scan. It was such a rough day.

Hajime’s eyes won’t move anymore. He barely reacts to our words. Also, the white parts of his eyes were swollen. He looks like a completely different person compare to the time when he first came to the hospital.

At this point, I am really depressed.
“What if he would not be able to go back home,,,” it frightens me when I think about it that way.

(translated by RA)

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