Mar 23, 2011

Shower after five days

Hajime's wound has getting been better. His pain also has been getting better,
but he says he has trouble sleeping because of pain at night. It is expected that his pain continues about a week. He is taking pain relief medication to cope with it.

He was complaining itching whole body as soon as he got home from school.
LA's dry weather made his skin dry and rough.

Because of his itching, he took shower for the first time in five days since his surgery. His little brother went in together and help him wash as same as the night before Hajime's surgery. Watching his little brother do his best for Hajime encourages us do our best for him, too. He is really kind and caring his brother very well.

Taking shower for the first time in long time, his wound hurt a little, but now he is nice and clean and it should help him sleep well.

Translated by Ai Hongo

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