Dec 6, 2012

Ultraman Tiga

Recently Hajime has been saying he wants to watch videos.
But I don't know which one out of the ones he has, so I ask him different questions.
It wasn't any of the ones I asked.  After a few days, I thought it might be a certain one so I asked.
It was Ultraman Tiga and Dyna.

Now that I think of it, he would set his alarm and watch it every week quite a while ago when it was being shown on Channel 18.2.
Of course, Hajime was still young when he was faithfully watching the programs that were broadcast in Japan.
He loved it that much.

Is there anyone who has some Ultraman Tiga DVDs?  When I checked on Japanese Amazon, I saw that they sell only used ones for about 50,000 yen.

Is there someone who can help us out?

Hajime may not be able to see much longer, so I'd like to let him see something that he really enjoys one more time.

If someone can help us, please let me know.

(translated by MS)

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