Mar 31, 2012

The OT's Visit

Recently the respirator alarm has gone off many times. I worry because the volume doesn't increase and it just keeps ringing. When I do his suctioning or hit his chest, the volume does increase, so that's the only way we've been managing.

Hajime himself is fine.
He is happy when he has visitors, but aside from that, lately, he has been enjoying watching Netflix.

Yesterday was Mary's scheduled visit.
The bedsores on his bottom that had opened are healed. But she found another area which is starting to open. She covered it with a band-aid for now, and we are to keep an eye on it. It hurts Hajime, so I put pillows under his bottom, but he often asks me to put more air in his air mattress.

The OT also came to see him.
Hajime's ankles cannot flex anymore, so she put an empty box under his feet and then propped a pillow in front of that so that Hajime's feet would be at a 90-degree angle with his legs. She instructed us to have him do this exercise for five minutes every day. And when we return his feet to their normal position, we should take our time and not let go too quickly.
We should remember to continue with his range-motion exercises too.
Hajime's legs are only getting stiffer, so we have to do our best!

One other thing, he will be getting a new medication. It will help him stay awake longer every day, but the side effect is that it might make him more nervous.
But this medication will target his eyelid muscles so if Hajime doesn't want to take it, he doesn't have to.
We won't know what will happen if we don't try, so we will at least start him on the medication.

It may be because of the radiation treatment, but Hajime is producing a lot less saliva. And he no longer drools.
But it seems that the secretion from his trache is increasing, so I need to be watching that.

(translated by MS)

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